Am I too old to start?

NO! We have people training in the TAGB clubs between the ages of 5 and 80. We believe you bring in Tae Kwon Do your own self-imposed limits and we'll do our best to help you expand them. Age is just a number.

Do I have to be fit before I join?

No. Tae Kwon Do will help improve your level of fitness

Do I have to be flexible?

No. Tae Kwon Do will help improve your level of flexibility.

Do I have to have a special uniform?

loose fitting clothing such as a tracksuit and T-shirt would be fine. We do ask however that if they wish to grade all our members wear a regulation TAGB white suit (called a Dobok) and the belt indicating their level of skill.

Who will be in my class?

We have a varied class of people, including those who are completely new to Tae Kwon-Do and also experienced members. You will be taught within a group of people whose skill and experience of martial arts will reflect your own. We do our best to provide you with tuition suitable to your level of Tae Kwon Do.

Are children and adults taught together?

At present all adults and juniors train together and grade together  Eventually when the club grows bigger we may consider splitting the sessions into separate juniors and seniors. The communication and physical skills of children are different to those of adults and our training curricula reflect this.
Will I be able to defend myself?

Yes! the skills you will learn will enable you to react to different attack situations using either blocks, restraints, punches or kicks that you have been taught in class.

Do I have to grade

No! It is purely optional. A belt is a visual sign of how good an individual is! All new beginners are given a FREE white belt indicating the first level of Tae Kwon Do. We'd like to think that the challenge of learning a dynamic, thoroughly modern martial art will inspire you to set goals for yourself. The belts you gain in our TAGB grading system could be part of this goal-setting. We know, however, that there are as many reasons for doing Tae Kwon Do as there are Tae Kwon Do practitioners in the clubs. If you are quite happy not to grade we will still be happy to have you as a member.

Can I achieve my black belt?

Yes! A black belt is an indication of sound knowledge and technical competence in Tae Kwon Do. That means you can achieve one irrespective of your age and physical ability. Starting with the white belt which is given to you at the beginners class there are ten steps to black belt. Each step has a discreet, manageable level of technical expertise and knowledge to learn. To get to black belt it will take just over three years approximately. The process is especially designed to enable you to become mentally and physically competent at Tae Kwon Do.

Do I have to enter competitions?

Entering competitions is purely optional. The competitions are held regionally, nationally and internationally and are split into men, women, cadet male, cadet female, boys and girls, in your own belt divisions and then into weights for adults and cadets, and heights for children. The TAGB has the most professionally run Tae Kwon Do tournaments in Europe. This allows you to gain valuable experience, meet like-minded individuals from all over the country and generally have some fun while indulging the competitive element in you. There is never any pressure however to enter a competition.

Does Tae Kwon-do cater for people with disabilities?

Yes! Tae Kwon Do is the great equaliser. We pride ourselves on seeking a person's worth not the particulars of their circumstances. This is why our instructors will strive to make Tae Kwon Do fit your abilities. The TAGB has black belt students and instructors who have disabilities, i.e. they are amputees, or have hearing or sight impediments. We take the view that Tae Kwon Do is the key that helps you unlock your own potential. This is the same for everyone however able-bodied they may be.


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