Mr Zafar first started training Tae Kwon Do in 1995, returning back in 2004 to achieve his Black Belt he has been training under the instruction of Master Kenny Walton 8th Dan, British national coach and chief instructor for the North of England.

He has full indemnity insurance, has passed an enhanced CRB check and is a qualified First Aider, and umpire

Mr Zafar is still actively competing at local, national and international tournaments and has had various top 3 results in all 3 disciplines (Sparing, Traditional Patterns & Destruction).

Mr Zafar club is fun and enjoyable. Tae Kwon-Do will help to keep you fit and you will learn self defence techniques along with the traditional art of Tae Kwon-Do.

Our aim is to help students to become the very best they can be, across all the diffrent aspects of Tae Kwon-do.

Anyone is welcome to join us. We're always happy to welcome new members who are interested in joining in with club activities, helping to build and develop the club in both size and quality.

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